Monday, March 29, 2010

Some times we act like a duck

last year, when i was digging up my flower garden on the side of our house to get ready to put some plants in, I dug up a HUGE egg....I had no idea what kind of creature layed an egg that big, thought it might be a snake....I called various wildlife rescue places and they said that judging by the size, color, it was probably a duck egg.... and that the mother had probably abandoned it. Now I'm sure she may have thought it was a good place to lay an egg, being so close to our pond in the back yard and all...but I think when she realized that this property wasn't so excellent
to raise a youngin, because of the two very active,vocal dogs that live here, she flew the coop, so to speak.....
so feeling somewhat responsible for the little orphan, I put the egg under lights and waited and watched....and waited....until
I realized, after again talking to more wildlife experts, that my attempt to save this baby duckling had not been successful....
Everyone said to just throw the egg out.
I was tempted to crack it open and see exactly what was inside, but decided to give
the little critter some dignity and a semi-proper "burial". I wrapped it in tissues and placed it gently into a bag and put it in the garbage....

Last week, I couldn't believe my eyes....there was a duck walking in my side yard...and it sure looked like it was casing out the joint....
Today I looked out the window and there it was again, by our pine tree.....and I thought, how stupid, it didn't work last time, why are you even considering coming back and nesting here.....

then I thought, don't we humans do the same thing sometimes?....we either do something one way that doesn't work, or find ourselves in situations, by our own making or not, that are not healthy/productive.....but yet, we go back to doing the same thing over again, or back to the situation where nothing has changed.... and expect different results. Are we lured by the great looking pond....or that wolve in sheep clothing, or are we just optimists that think things will be better this time around.....

they say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results......but there is something about persistence, and not giving up....

I don't know....I guess we just have to pray for wisdom to know the difference and
hope that, like that duckling, it's not a matter of life and death.

1 comment:

  1. I see you figured out how to put pics on the side ! Nice ....
