Friday, March 26, 2010

gosh....He didn't even give me a day before He corrected me....

We went to a worship/prayer regional meeting tonight, where
a lot of people from different churches come together to worship/
pray for our communities/state/ was awesome!

And during the worship, The Lord kept saying to me.....what you
said is ok for you, EXCEPT, there are times when
you have to step totally out of the boat, into the water.... when I speak to you
to do something specific, and you know that the timing is now.....
for example, for me,
stepping out and praying for people to be healed....Now, I can still start small, say
like on a wed. opposed to renting Rich Stadium and having a
healing crusade.....but I still need to step out of the boat (my comfort
zone) completely and trust Him. He reminded me, the sea didn't part
until Moses stepped into it....(i still have to look that one up)....
that if He calls me to do something....all I have to do is be obedient,
have faith in Him, and just do it! because it's not about me, it's about
Him choosing to work through me....or not....But that's His call, not
mine....I'm just called to pray.......

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