Friday, March 26, 2010

i was thinking how we decide to start a diet, or read the word more,
or exercise...and then the next thing you know, we've blown the diet,
exercised for two days and quit....and didn't read the bible as long as we
wanted we get discouraged and stop altogether.....

I have decided that I am going to ease myself into things..
for instance....i am a terrible nail i started with not
biting three nails, then five, then eight.....right now I am, and
have been for a couple ofmonths, still biting two nails...I can't seem to
stop completely, but although it looks extremely stupid, I am
not giving up because I can't stop biting all of them, I will have
ten finger nails growing some time in the future!

To get my flesh under control I decided to that's an
area where I really have trouble.....So I have been not eating after
7:00 p.m. Mon - Thurs. Everyother day is the same....Now some might
think that is silly....but I think, even a little is better than nothing....and
boy, there are many times i want to break this fast, but knowing in a few
days, I will be off it....and that I am doing something for the Lord, however
small, encourages me to go on.

For me, it applies to alot of things I desire to exercise and reading
the bible more......starting out with baby steps seems to be the way for me
to one more chapter a day, dance to a song, walk up the stairs
once instead of taking the elevator..

Some people can get out of the boat and walk on water....and that is my
ultimate goal....

but right now....I'm just putting my right foot in......
and I think He's ok with that....

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." (Zechariah 4:10 NLT)

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