Saturday, February 14, 2015

Tinsel on my Tush...

The other day one of my seniors, who is always cheerful and smiley, says to me 'turn around'….I oblige and she laughs and says 'oh, I thought you had tinsel on your butt'.   I had on corduroy pants with sequins on the back pockets :-)  This lady always finds joy in things…is most times smiling, laughing…. Her lunch table is the most lively and they are all always laughing, having a good time…
Which got me thinking…. basically, I think I am a positive person, but lately I have been focussing on the negatives…my weight gain, how nothing fits, looks good, my thinning hair, hurting knees, lamenting a lost friendship that I have no control over, etc. etc.
This morning I put on those pants again and thought of my senior's comment/laughter.  I then made a decision to not focus on the negatives in my life…to daily choose to be a more positive, thankful person…and to ask the Lord to help me follow through and accomplish these things…I am so Thankful for the awesome family and friendships I do have…..For a husband who is wonderful and cancer free……For a God who created me and loves me just the way I am, Who has provided for all my needs and most of my wants and Who has a perfect plan for my life and the lives of those I love….
Do I need to lose weight? Sure I do…especially to be healthier.  BUT……….I am going to embrace who I am right now…choose to look at the bright side of things….let my light shine, or actually, His light shine through me….and smile and laugh more…..after all…it is kind of funny it looks like I have tinsel on my tush!  :-)