Thursday, April 1, 2010


this June, it will be 40 yrs. since my high school graduation....Last year two of our classmates decided it would be nice to have a reunion this Aug. and one started contacting other classmates on facebook.....It has been wonderful connecting with old classmates. Some friendships have been renewed, while others, although we weren't friends in High School.....are developing into really good friends....
It's amazing how someone you didn't esp. connect with in school can become such a good friend at this stage in your realize now, why certain people acted the way they did in school, after finding out a little about what life was like for them back then. That bully was just acting out anger steming from his dysfunctional home life.....that girl you thought was so stuck up really was extremely shy.....and that beautiful girl who seemingly had it all....felt extremely sad inside and not as confident as everyone thought she was. Some haven't changed much at all....The class clown is still making everyone laugh and the sweet cheerleader is still very softspoken and sweet.
Most of us have, on the most part, overcome our high school insecurities.....but very few of us have completely conquered all of them....At what age do you have to reach where you are finally happy/content with who you are? Or maybe it's not an age, it's a state of mind...where you realize that everything you have gone through, good and bad, has molded you into the person you are right now.....and you finally accept that.

I personally feel that one can never really be content and happy with his life
until he gives it over to the One who created life.

I believe, and the bible says, that God, in His Divine plan, has created us all for a specific purpose...It isn't until we give our life totally over to Christ, make Him number one, and allow Him to show us who we are in Him, that He can reveal that plan and purpose He created us for. And even though we still may have faults, we can truly accept and love ourselves, who we are today, because we know that with Him, we are forever changing and being molded into that awesome person He created.....into our God designed destiny.

I thank God for this 40th reunion and the old and new friends it has brought back into my life......but I esp. am thankful that I have accepted Christ as my Savior,
and I will always have a friend in Him....One who loves me unconditionally,forgives all my sins,will never disappoint me,or be disappointed in me, And will never leave nor forsake me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Michele....(am "I" the sweet cheerleader ??) lol.....
